(541) 754-3010

We are FunnelFuel.

We are obsessed by B2B.

We know technology and data makes marketing better. But that’s only true if it was built for the purpose it’s being used for. 

B2B Marketers have challenges that don’t exist in other areas. The sales process can be long, drawn-out and involves several stakeholders taking time to make any significant buying decision. We believe the role of data and technology is to help B2B Marketers understand more about these complex buying journeys.

Data informs you of the next best action to take if you know it’s robust and accurate data (as well as being compliant). It allows you to create the maximum impact based on a deeper understanding of that prospect.
It also validates or challenges your marketing activity. What is really generating the business results and can you demonstrate that based on transparent data that is truly a reflection on the prospects activity and engagement.

That’s why we have built an analytics platform that gives you actionable insight and is 100% built for B2B marketers. We call it Journey.

Technology should the there to help you action data in a seamless and transparent way. It means leveraging data to create better marketing campaigns based on real insight that is different for every client. Journey helps clients deliver on this.
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Our Remarkable Clients

Meet the Team.

Daniel Shaw

Co - Founder & COO/CPO

Michael Harty



VP of Product

Ben Dzamba


William Goodacre


Adrian Degutis

LinkedIn level targeting for the rest of the internet.

Define & measure your target audience. Benchmark your performance against your peers. Fuelled by insights. Powered by a bespoke B2B tech-stack. Enabled by complete sector specialism. Get in touch below to learn more about how FunnelFuel can fuel your businesses growth. Click below to book a demo now or email us on the below contact details:

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