(541) 754-3010

FunnelFuel Journey Platform

An enterprise class Google Analytics alternative which protects your data and delivers ABM insights.

What does Journey Offer?

Named Accounts Tracking
B2B Web Analytics
Tag Manager
B2B Conversion Rate Optimisation
100% of data captured
Multi-Touch Attribution (6 Attribution Models)
Live Form Analytics
Insight Reports
Journey tracks all of the companies which visit your website, measuring how they got there, what they did, what actions they took, what goals they completed and produces an intent funnel to measure each companies engagement. 

Journey shows you the depth of engagement on each visit, producing valuable insights which fuel your media buying and Account Based Marketing (ABM) activity.
Journey provides an enterprise grade Google Analytics alternative with a raft of B2B data included throughout. Unlike GA and other standalone analytics platforms, Journey makes this data portable and actionable – Journey is connected to FunnelFuel’s bespoke B2B ABM Demand Side Platform (DSP) enabling seamless programmatic activation using analytics data. 

Journey can also fire other marketing platforms pixels based on engagement, empowering segment building and more precise ‘B2B training’ of the AI which sits behind platforms like Google, LinkedIn and Meta.
Journey includes a tag manager, which enables you to manage which marketing scripts are on your site without needing your engineering teams help. Journey can fire these scripts based on the complex multi-variate rules which you control, giving the option to ‘drop’ marketing platform pixels more precisely then they can be dropped with a native integration, which gives you a competitive advantage enabled by better pixel training which better aligns the AI behind the MarTech with your goals.

This also allows you to build and segment audiences in marketing platforms based on their engagement with your website, which opens up better creative targeting and overall segmentation.
Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is an often under-appreciated facet of ‘making marketing work’, yet we believe that it is more important in B2B then B2C. Why? because B2B audiences are significantly harder to locate, engage and drive through to your website, so when a key ITDM or other prospect is delivered to your site, it’s imperative that the website works as hard as possible to move that user through your funnel.

Journey comes loaded with an enterprise grade A/B testing tool, which enables you to split incoming traffic between a number of landing pages with some variance in their content, and measure which ones works best. Simple changes to elements like button colours can make a surprisingly big difference to user flow.

Additionally, Journey includes session recordings so you can observe how users interact with your site, and take visual cues which can inform the sales fields outreach as well as CRO ideas.

Finally Journey includes heat maps, which help show where your users look and how they navigate through your landing pages. Combining these tools gives you all the insights you need to ensure that your landing pages are optimised to maximise your media investment.
Standard analytics offerings sample your data because they’re designed for hugely scaled ‘consumer websites’, where the cost of capturing all of the data necessary to track each visit would be too much. Journey captures 100% of your visits, because we believe B2B requires this level of precision – sampling simply does not work when we’re trying to measure, engage and segment named accounts.
Journey brings multi-touch and multi-channel attribution modelling which will show you how your overall marketing mix aligns with your conversions. We link conversions to ‘goals’ in FunnelFuel, and you can measure goal conversions against all of the marketing channels, from organic to paid media, and split their performance based on a bunch of attribution models, including: 

1. Last interaction
2. Last Non-Direct
3. First Interaction
4. Linear
5. Position based
6. Time decay

Create a fast view which compares performance across the 6 different attribution models to build the fairest and most rounded interpretation of your marketing activity.
Data capture via web forms is a key component of B2B marketing, and many B2B marketers work to CPL goals. Journey tracks all of your forms, giving a live view. See the starter rate, form views, converters, submitter rate and re-submitter rate, and track how they’re evolving over time.

Measure and understand your form timings. Journey measures your forms hesitation time, the average time spent on forms and the average time to conversion. 

Understanding these data points, aligned with our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) toolkit and our website load time tracking will help you quickly get on top of any issues which are impacting your forms performance
Journey lets you quickly build preset reports and run them as often as you like. These reports are the most detailed on the market. 

Compiled against groups of dimensions; there’s 54 dimensions related to visitors, 7 related to visitor location, 15 custom variable dimensions, 26 related to onsite behaviours, 5 event dimensions, 14 acquisition related variables, 7 form dimensions and 11 related to multimedia consumption. 

These 140 trackable metrics combine with a similar number of metrics across the same categories, giving an incredibly detailed overview of everything happening on your site.
But what does Journey have that GA Doesn't?
Learn More
  • Web Analytics

    Real-time, and evolving views of all the standard web analytics metrics and dimensions, across visitors, behaviours and on-site engagement.

  • Website Visitor Identification

    Identify organisations that visit your businesses website and apps, and measure the depth of their engagement.

  • Conversion Optimisation Platform

    Run dedicated A/B tests to optimise the conversion rate of each landing page. Track heat maps and watch session recordings to discover optimisations.

  • Tag Management

    A single container tag which lets your ops team manage tracking and marketing scripts without needing developers to implement

Turn Page Views Into A Pipeline.

In a world of long sales cycles and incomplete data points, it's a strange quirk that the one asset which a B2B marketer can control - their website and apps - ends up failing to provide the real insights that the sales field want to know - what is the intent behind a prospect

To begin to fix this incompkete data we began by building out a fully fledged, feature rich, enterprise grade analytics platform. This is designed to capture all the data that platforms like GA provide.

Then we started adding the missing bits - true company level insights, surfacing the company data throughout the analytics to really highlight exactly what content has been read by which key account, how deep was their engagement and whether they triggered any goals.

We then built a web crawler so. wecould index both B2B advertiser websites and publisher pages, allowing a seamless matching of contexts across the media that the ITDM's are reading. This enables the deepest segmentation of B2B users in the world, providing a depth of insights which are simply unavailable on 'made for the masses' analytics platforms.

LinkedIn level targeting for the rest of the internet.

Define & measure your target audience. Benchmark your performance against your peers. Fuelled by insights. Powered by a bespoke B2B tech-stack. Enabled by complete sector specialism. Get in touch below to learn more about how FunnelFuel can fuel your businesses growth. Click below to book a demo now or email us on the below contact details:

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